Join the Board of Directors

Volunteering on the Eastside Youth Soccer Association Board of Directors

We take this opportunity to personally thank you for your interest in serving with the Eastside Youth Soccer Association Inc.  The work that Eastside does would not be possible without the volunteers that are the heart of the organization.  

The Eastside Youth Soccer Association Inc. has a long tradition of community service, volunteerism and, amongst our players, sportsmanship.  If you decide to join us, we hope that you will embrace that tradition and become part of our community of volunteers.  

Please see a brief description or our organization, as well as an application form which we hope that you will complete.  

If you have any questions about the organization, please feel free to contact us, we would be happy to discuss Eastside further with you by telephone or in person.  

Please email EYSA president at so that we can arrange a discussion. 

Organization Overview

EYSA is responsible for the governance of youth soccer in Zone 5 of Saskatoon as defined in the bylaws of Saskatoon Youth Soccer Incorporated.  This area is defined (effective fall 2012) as comprising the follow community associations:  Adelaide/Churchill, Avalon, Buena Vista, Eastview, Exhibition, Greystone Heights, Grosvenor Park, Hollison, Haultain, Nutana, Nutana Park, Nutana SC, Queen Elizabeth, Stonebridge, U of S Lands South MA, U of S South MA, Varsity View, the Willows, and South Corman Park.  

EYSA was constituted on November 18, 1996 and incorporated as a non-profit corporation in 2001.  

Eastside is in a strong position financially.  The organization is managed in a fiscally responsible and sustainable manner.  Our financial statements do not reflect the substantial contributions of time by volunteers which is what truly makes the continuation of EYSA possible.  Our financial position puts Eastside in a strong position for growth into the future, as well as providing prospective board members the assurance that the organization is well managed and fiscally responsible.  

Volunteers - The Backbone of our Club

Our Current Board of Directors

The above list of our board of directors is not a complete list of the volunteers in Eastside, and we have many other non-board positions, including coordinators for each age group and gender, coaches, assistant coaches, managers, tournament committee volunteers, etc.  

Eastside is a vibrant organization with a lot of activity going on all the time, so there is always room for volunteering in a variety of positions.  

Why should you serve on the Board of Directors? 

Serving on the Board of Directors gives you the opportunity to learn the basics of board operations.  Even though our board operates in a rather informal manner, we maintain proper records for our meetings and we follow the procedures in Robert’s Rules of Order, with some adaptations to our organization.  

Serving on the board of directors will give you a broader view of our organization and the issues that it faces throughout the year.  You will have the opportunity to have your voice heard and to help shape the future direction of the association.  

Serving on a board or directors is also the type of experience that can open doors for you in the future in your work or in other positions.  Many former Eastside Directors have gone on to achieve greater recognition and positions in their regular jobs after serving on the board.  

In addition to doing the work of running the association, we also have fun together.  It is a close knit community and we welcome those who wish to join our ranks and make a positive contribution.  

By-laws and Governing Policies

Eastside Youth Soccer Association has a tradition of openness and transparency in all of our dealings.  

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the president or any one of the board members for more information or to discuss Eastside.  

Job Descriptions

Please click here for a description of board positions.  Please feel free to contact any one of the board members if you wish to delve into something further.  

Next Steps

Please fill the board of directors application.

Once you have completed the application form, you will be invited to attend a portion of a board meeting as a guest.  After attending a board meeting, and meeting some of the board members, and seeing how our meetings are run, you may decide that you do not want to pursue a position further or you may confirm that you are interested.  If you are interested in joining the board, the board will take a vote on appointing you to a board position which will remain in effect until the Annual General Meeting (AGM).  At the AGM your name would be put forward for election.  

On again, please feel free to contact EYSA president at or any board member if you have any questions about the organization.  We look forward to you joining our organization.



Upcoming Events

Feb. 23, 2025 7:00 PM to 9:00 PM

Annual General Meeting 2025

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